Sunday, October 12, 2008

McCain and Palin eat their words

Group think is a dangerous thing.

Dangerous and reactionary responses can erupt when people get together and join in an angry "us vs. them" mentality based on partial truths, and misinformation. People's safety is put at risk when misinformation continues unfettered to fuel a fire of fear.

I think McCain learned this the hard way as he stood in the middle of a mob of his own creation. I don't think McCain or his campaign managers fully understood the repercussions that false accusations of terrorism could have on the American public and their understanding of the Democratic candidate. I like to believe they didn't, because if they did, then their phrases constituted libel and intentionally risked another candidate's safety.

Thanks for addressing this misinformation and correcting dangerous half truths, McCain. Let's make this campaign about issues, not slander.

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