Sunday, September 28, 2008

How do we know any of it is true?

My real concern as of late is ensuring that I have the best and most accurate information available to me. I've decided that the best approach to this is to do the following:
- Listen to multiple media sources, including international sources
- Check with non partisan sites which fact check and list public records such as:
- Read, read, read everything I can squeeze into a day, especially nonfiction texts by experts and peer reviewed research articles. Want to know what I'm reading right now?
- Understanding Social Welfare Policy by R. Dolgoff & D. Feldstein (2007)
- Hot, Flat, and Crowded by Tom Friedman (2008)
- American Social Welfare Policy (5th ed.) by H. Karger & D. Stoesz (2006)

After the first presidential debate I found this fact check breakdown really helpful. For comparison, here's another debate fact check from NPR.

I'll keep you up to date on what I'm learning!

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