Saturday, February 28, 2009

party lines

I was a member of the young Dems in college, but is recent years I've been trying to keep party loyalty out of my politics, so I can truly understand what I believe and why. This has certainly not made me more conservative, but it's made me more articulate and well versed in issues I feel passionately about. I have to say though, I'm having a hard time containing my disappointment in the republican leadership's response to the economic situation and their insistence on towing a party line. Particularly when Obama has made such an important reach across the aisle to use brain power from all parties to solve this crisis. I want to play nice, but the conservative positions on social issues and their inability to recognize the needs of their constituents has curdled my blood and I'm having a hard time maintaining my compassion and openness to their positions. However, I will keep trying . . . as I am want to do.

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