Saturday, February 28, 2009

party lines

I was a member of the young Dems in college, but is recent years I've been trying to keep party loyalty out of my politics, so I can truly understand what I believe and why. This has certainly not made me more conservative, but it's made me more articulate and well versed in issues I feel passionately about. I have to say though, I'm having a hard time containing my disappointment in the republican leadership's response to the economic situation and their insistence on towing a party line. Particularly when Obama has made such an important reach across the aisle to use brain power from all parties to solve this crisis. I want to play nice, but the conservative positions on social issues and their inability to recognize the needs of their constituents has curdled my blood and I'm having a hard time maintaining my compassion and openness to their positions. However, I will keep trying . . . as I am want to do.

Getting excited about March!

The Vegilantes are gearing up for their first meeting in the end of March/beginning April. Our first step will be smaller than this project, seed bombs, but this video is truly inspirational! Get ready to grow Nashvegas!

Is our congress just monkeying around?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Where oh where has February gone?

To the dogs, that's where it's gone. Today needs a pick me up, because frankly, it's miserable and sad. Here's something that made me laugh in the midst of it all.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

brilliant - fun