Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Years Revolution!

I'm writing following my first day back to school! Grad school is thrilling and intimidating and the most wonderful gift - just another reminder of how lucky I am. Doing my winter reorganization and reevaluation brought back into perspective everything I have. My heart is so full and grateful right now for my friends, family, and health, I want to give back as much as possible!

So, as I progress into 2009, I'm recommitting to sharing my new years revolution to learn, share, and grow with my community in a way that will benefit as many people as possible. On this journey I'm sharing with you as I go along, because knowledge in isolation is useless.

So, reach out and let me know what you're learning too! Let's work together for equality and unity in the best way I know possible, through education and a respectful dialogue.


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