It's not news that senior citizens are more likely to vote than any other demographic. In 2004 Federal Census figures showed that 69% of all eligible seniors came out to vote. But it may be news that McCain is still leading slightly with the over 65 set. It is incredibly important that we talk to our grandparents and parents about voting for Obama, because he wants to preserve our social services like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, that will benefit American seniors and their families. McCain on the other hand has a series of plans, which weaken our Medicaid and Medicare systems by reducing funding from the federal government, privatize care, deregulate and reduce oversight, and put American families' savings at risk in the open market. We all know what can happen when Wall Street fails us. Where would a plan like McCains leave our parents and grandparents? I can tell you where, exactly where we are today. We need to reogranize and put our families first by voting for Obama.
Info about American Seniors:
- 6 Million workers are 65+ years
- In 12 months, number of unemployed persons increased by 2.2 million
- At age 50:
75% of the population has less than $5,000 in the bank for retirement.
- At age 65:
45% of Americans depend on relatives
30% depend on charities
23% are still working (most work until they are no longer physically capable)
Only 2% are self-sustaining.
Obama's Plan:
- Leave Medicare intact for older and disabled Americans.
- Allow Medicare to negotiate for cheaper drug prices.
- Expansion of Medicaid & the State Children’s Health Insurance Program’s (SCHIP) eligibility. (allowing coverage for children from families just above the poverty line)
- Eliminate excessive subsidies to Medicare Advantage Plus plans (private plan alternative not cost efficient.)
- Against rising the retirement age.
- Against privatization
- Would ask those making over $250,000. A year to contribute 2%-4% more in total. (Combined with employer and employee.)
- Protect Pensions-Companies cannot shed pensions as debt.
- Will prevent Companies from issuing executive bonuses while cutting worker pensions.
- Will increase amount of unpaid wages and benefits workers can claim in court.
- Limit circumstances under which retire benefits can be reduced.
- Will require detailed annual disclosures about employees pension fund investments.
- Will strengthen the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.
- Freeze Estate tax at 2009 levels
- 45% tax rate on estates valued at more than $3.5 million
- Married couples can combine their exemptions for a total of $7 million.
- This would exempt about 99.7% of estate taxes
- Eliminate Income Tax for seniors making less than $50,000 annually. (7 million seniors save $1400 each a year.)
- 27 million seniors will not need to file an income tax return.
- Simplify Tax Filings for millions of Americans (pre-filed tax forms created from input of IRS, banks, employers -savings of $2 billion in tax prepares fees.)
- $1000. Emergency Energy Rebate for American families ( from Windfall Profits Tax)
- Patriot Employer Act 2007 (tax credit to employers that provide full time work and corporate headquarters within US. Provide health insurance-retirement benefits.)
- Tax relief for Small Businesses (eliminate capital gains taxes)
- Provide a $500. Making Work Pay tax credit (to almost every worker in America.)
- Childcare Tax Credit (family refund of 50% for childcare expenses)
- Opposes Bush- National Labor Relations Board’s ‘Kentucky River’ (decisions that take away rights to form unions by changing definition of ‘supervisor’.)
- Will raise minimum wage to $9.50 an hour by 2011.
- Will provide $1.5 Billion for Paid Leave Fund (start –up fund for employer incentive.)
- $25 Billion in Jobs and Growth Fund. (Save over one million jobs that risk being cut i.e. road maintenance, school repair.)
- Supports Advanced Manufacturing Fund (Create 5 million new Green Jobs engaging disadvantaged youth-most innovative proposals to create new products and jobs.)
- Will Strengthen ability of workers to unionize - right to join union without harassment or
intimidation from their employers
- Supports Employee free choice act - ensure that his labor appointees support worked rights and ban the permanent replacement of striking workers
1 comment:
have you seen sarah silverman's schlep the vote campaign. very funny...
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